Moteur de recherche d'offres d'emploi GEODIS

IT Analyst H/M

Detalles de la oferta de empleo

Información general

Entidad adjunta

GEODIS es un proveedor logístico líder a nivel mundial reconocido por su experiencia en todos los aspectos de la cadena de suministro. Como socio de crecimiento de sus clientes, GEODIS se especializa en cinco líneas de negocio: Supply Chain Optimization, Global Freight Forwarding, Global Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express, y European Road Network. Con una red global que abarca más de 170 países y 53 000 empleados, GEODIS ocupa el puesto número 6 a nivel mundial en su sector. En 2023, GEODIS generó 11,6 millones de euros en ingresos. GEODIS es una empresa que pertenece al grupo SNCF. 
Este puesto también está abierto a cualquier persona reconocida como trabajador discapacitado.  



Line Of Business


Descripción puesto

Tipo de Contrato

Contrato fijo - Tiempo completo


Support function - IT Support Services

Título del puesto

IT Analyst H/M

Descripcion del puesto

Implement new or improved technological architectures available in the market to meet the changing needs of the business. Ensure the stability, availability, integrity, and security of IT infrastructure services to comply with service level agreements. Manage the help desk process to guarantee an adequate level of service to the user and provide IT service metrics that allow continuous improvement. Conduct induction and training on technological topics associated with the operation of CL. Attend desktop support incidents in L1 and L2 with support from the local/regional team. Provide support for network and communication incidents in L1 and L2. Be the point of contact for communication providers. Provide on-site and remote support according to operational needs. Configure mobile devices for operational applications. Provide technological solutions that enable the correct implementation of new clients. Perform other functions that the immediate supervisor deems relevant and inherent to the position. Be responsible for managing the inventory of devices assigned to CL.

Perfil del puesto

Academic background
Recently graduated professional in Systems Engineering, Electronics, or related fields. Basic/Intermediate English.
Minimum of 3 years of experience in related positions.
Experience in technical support for computer equipment.
Experience in internal customer service.
Experience in managing handheld devices.
Experience in technological services for logistics operations.
Knowledge of WMS and TMS applications.
Skills and abilities:
Good communication skills, both internal and external.
Basic service skills towards other areas of the company.
Planning and innovation.

Empleado tiempo completo


Ubicación del puesto

Ubicación de la vacante

America, Colombia


San Diego - Siberia

Criterios del candidato

Nivel mínimo de estudios requerido

Técnico Superior / CFGS

Nivel de experiencia mínimo requerido

Junior (1 to 5 years of experience)


English (Intermedio)